Drain Noises

Believe it or not, plumbing drain noises can help direct you to the source of the problem. That “blub glub” noise from a drain where water is passing could mean a problem with:

Partial drain blockage, forcing the water through a constricted area, creating a hiss or blub sound.

Drain venting problem. Inadequate (or completely missing) plumbing vents can create a gurgling sound. There is insufficient free flow due to trapped air or a partial vacuum. If you hear gurgling at the sink or shower drain only when a nearby fixture is used, such as a toilet flushing, the drain venting may be the culprit.

Plumbing drain noises that don’t impact functionality. Some pipe materials transmit noises more readily than others. Plastic drain piping sounds different than cast iron piping. The solution is proper sound insulation, but you should use an experienced plumber to track down the sound or sounds and apply the appropriate type of insulation at the right points.

“Unusual solutions” amateur plumbing. Unqualified handymen may attempt to fix a plumbing situation with non-standard solutions like running waste lines inside the building at odd angles that fight against gravity, resulting in noise and pools of non-flowing water that accelerate corrosion or leaks at joints. It can also create a noticeable sewer gas smell at the fixture.

If a single fixture in the building is sluggish or clogged and all the others are operating fine, the problem is most likely NOT your septic tank. It is a clog in the waste stack or soil stack (drains from sinks or toilets), which is the first area to address.

If your entire home drains slowly or is clogged or if waste is backing up into the lowest elevation plumbing fixtures, suspect the septic tank or field.

Frances Okutoro

Brand Ambassador for Freshies Deli, R.H. Foster Energy Services, Tri City Pizza.


Getting to know your septic system


Diagnose Clogged Drain vs. Septic Backup or Failure